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The Cascade Australian Cattle Dog Club has served Cattle Dog Fanciers, breeders, and exhibitors in the Pacific Northwest Region since 1986. Our members hail from Oregon, Washington, Idaho and as far away as Montana and British Columbia, Canada.

We take pride in the promotion of our Breed, and in helping to educate the public about these wonderful dogs.

CACDC was the first AKC Licensed Regional Australian Cattle Dog Club, and was among the first AKC Licensed Herding Group Clubs in the country. We have proudly hosted three National Specialties for our parent club, the Australian Cattle Dog Club of America. Each year, we also hold two Regional Specialties. In addition, CACDC hosts Club Herding Trials and Fun Days for our members and other Herding Breed handlers alike, so that we may enjoy competing and watching our dogs do what they were born to do - herd!

Our members enjoy the versatility of their Australian Cattle Dogs in Herding, Conformation, Agility, Obedience and even Search And Rescue, Schutzhund, and Weight Pulling.

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